Holly Gerth

3 03, 2021

Finding the Right Words

By |2021-02-26T16:59:34-06:00March 3rd, 2021|Wednesday Words, Wednesday Words of Wisdom, Weekly Quote|1 Comment

I follow Holly Gerth’s blog because she always has fantastic, faith-based meme quotes and advice that uplifts and encourages. Her recent post contained this graphic.

These days with so many dealing with COVID and vaccination reactions, winter storms, and such, I often don’t know what to say when people share. Thanks to Holly, whatever the current situation, one of these phrases will work.

27 07, 2016

Dirt and Growth

By |2016-06-30T11:51:51-05:00July 27th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

dirt and growthToday I spotted the leaves of a sunflower popping up through the dirt. Where did the summer go that fall sunflowers are coming up?

I have no answer for that, but seeing the green sprouts, I was reminded of Holly Gerth‘s quote. It’s the pushing through dirt that produces the beautiful fall sunflowers that I enjoy.

Gives me a whole new perspective on dirt. How about you?


14 01, 2015

Blank Pages

By |2015-01-14T06:00:46-06:00January 14th, 2015|one word Wednesday|1 Comment


Love this graphic by Holley Gerth and so appreciate her willingness to share.

 I’m already writing as fast as I can to fill the pages of 2015 with good words and great things.  

Not dwelling on the past

or worrying about the future.

Simply taking each day as it comes. 

Moving forward.

How about you?


3 09, 2014

Perseverance – One Word Wednesday

By |2014-09-03T06:00:54-05:00September 3rd, 2014|one word Wednesday|0 Comments

In case you don’t know what perseverance is, it’s the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, discouragement, obstacles, or opposition.

Perseverance is a tenacious trait unlike perfectionism, which we looked at last week. One is an obstacle to progress. The other leads to success.

I believe perseverance can override perfectionism.

So does Holly Gerth. She says so in this lovely graphic.


If those words aren’t motivation enough to be persistent and persevere,   check out these links to see how perseverance can actually work.

 7 Entrepreneurs Whose Perseverance Will Inspire You

50 Famous People Who Failed at Their First Attempt at Career Success



16 06, 2014

Remembering Our Fathers

By |2014-06-16T06:00:04-05:00June 16th, 2014|Holidays|1 Comment

Yesterday was Father’s Day. I hope you honored whoever is your father figure.

For some of you that person might have been a birth father. For others, it’s a stepfather or a relative or friend that serves the father role for us.

Me, I’ve been blessed with three godly men who were great examples of a father’s love, offering faith and wisdom along my way.

dvtMy father.

Daddy taught me how to fish, how to hunt, and how to dress out my bounty. He taught me how to build things, grow things, and cook around a campfire. He taught me raunchy songs and words as though I was a son, not a daughter, then reminded me to always be a lady. :)

My second father was my beloved uncle.w.t.2

Uncle Dub told me often he was Ivo Jima when he received word of my birth. A Marine through and through, he taught me to shoot straight, with a firearm and with my words. He taught me the fun of antique auctions and old things. He showed unconditional love in the tough times and tough love when needed. He was a wise counselor.

L.O.-2My third father I inherited when I married.

The father of four girls the last thing my preacher father-in-love needed was another daughter…especially one who asked hard questions. He shared his Bible wisdom and whetted my appetite for studying the Scripture. And, best of all he raised his only son to be the best husband ever and a godly father.

All three of my daddies are gone now so Father’s Day is a bit a sad for me. I miss them, but remembering them on their special day brings back special memories and makes me smile.

These three men were such a blessing in my life. As Holley Gerth says:

“One of the greatest blessings God can give us is a father whose faith passes on the heritage of the past, provides blessings in the present, and guides us with wisdom for the future.”

How about you? Do you have a father figure you count as a blessing? Someone who shared their heritage and offered guidance for the present and the future.

I’d love to hear about your daddy.

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