Rivers and Change – Heraclitus
About the graphic
The quote graphic comes from Azquotes.com It’s a fabulous site, easily searchable, if you need a quote.
About the quote
I stumbled upon this quote by Heraclitus in a daily devotional. Its deep meaning struck a chord with me. I’m not the only one. If you do a web search of the quote you will find pages and pages of blogs and essays on the meaning of Heraclitus’ words.
Philosophy was the first course I took when I went back to finish my college degree. Ever since I’m been fascinated by Greek philosophers like Heraclitus whose words are sometimes as timeless as the Bible. Want to read more about Heraclitus, check out this essay by Eric Gerlach
This quote is one with timeless meaning. Most people consider only the flowing river. The current moves and truly you can’t step in the exact spot twice, but the reality is we change too as time and experience flow over us.
We may think our lives remain the same, yet, like the river in Heraclitus’ quote, human life is continually changing. Every day we encounter new people who influence us and change our lives. We read books, take courses, and travel to new places.
Our world is in a state of flux changing by the very fact we’re alive.
To survive and succeed, we have to embrace change and flow like a river only with a new perspective.
Can you see your life flowing like a river with change?