How Many Chickens? – Miller Farm Friday
By Guest Blogger Chicken Wrangler Sara
When I was in high school, it was a popular youth group activity to see how many people you could fit into a VW bug. I don’t remember how many we fit but according to one website, the record is 20.
I thought about this as I went to get eggs last week and found four chickens in one nest box:
This made checking for eggs particularly challenging. Apparently the crowded conditions also made it a challenge for the chickens.
They laid as many eggs on the floor of the coop as in the box.
Today I went to check eggs and found this:
It took me a few minutes but I finally counted five chickens in the middle nest box. Can you find them all?
Perhaps I should put together a children’s counting book. I wonder what number it would go to. I’ll keep you posted…