Dr. Seuss Chickens

20 09, 2013

Miller Farm Friday: Bella – 1, Chicken Wrangler Sara – 0

By |2013-09-20T06:15:51-05:00September 20th, 2013|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|0 Comments

A guest blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Monday was a little hectic on Miller Farm. I didn’t have time to get the chickens food and water before I had to be at school to play for Chapel so I just let them out.

When I got home an hour later, I went out to fill water jugs and check on the food status. Of course, all the dachshunds went out with me. 

Tucker brings his ball out for me to throw as I carry water. Sadie looks for lizards and Coco just follows me around.  Bella, on the other hand, finds other ways to occupy herself.

 I caught her “playing” with one of our Dr. Seuss birds, but alas, I was too late to rescue it. 

As I disposed of the body, I couldn’t really fuss at Bella. The chickens have been warned not to come over the fence.

I went in to start laundry. I guess Bella felt a little guilty. She decided to “help” me.

Bella in the basketHow could I be mad at that face! 

I sent the picture to Rachel and told her about the reduction in the chicken flock. Her response was “Well it shouldn’t have flown over the fence.  Plus this means I can hatch more!”

I told her we still had a billion. She reminded me of chicken math – where for every chicken you lose you have to have at least four more to replace it in case one or more dies or turns out to be a rooster. 

I texted her “I’m not listening nananana.”  Fortunately, she is off at college and can’t really hatch chickens right now anyway.

Our flock will remain as is unless, of course, some other chicken who didn’t witness the demise of the gray Dr. Seuss bird and decides to fly over the fence.

12 07, 2013

Dr. Seuss Chickens – Miller Farm Friday

By |2013-07-12T05:53:47-05:00July 12th, 2013|Friday on the Miller Farm, Miller Farm Friday|6 Comments

A blog by Guest Blogger Chicken Wrangler Sara

Somewhere in our family history there must have been an expert in animal husbandry. That is the only explanation for our fascination with having baby animals.

We started with a leopard gecko-breeding colony complete with incubator in the closet. There was even a thermostat on the incubator to control temperature, which determined the sex of the baby lizards.

After the reptile phase, we moved into a rodent phase – the rodents being guinea pigs. We had around 30 of them at one time and even won some awards at local guinea pig shows.

Now we are in our fowl phase, and we are hatching eggs regularly.

The latest batch is the offspring of Samson and assorted chickens. Samson is our feather-footed rooster.

It was no surprise that the chicks have feathered feet.  The crown of feathers on their head is what makes them interesting.

seuss blog2-edseuss blog1-ed

I think they look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book.

Do you agree?

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