A Blog by Chicken Wrangler Sara

Putting up Christmas decorations requires Christmas music. At least at our house.Thus began my search for a CD we bought last year entitled Peace on Earth. cd22698_w185It was not at the house so I figured I must have taken it to school.

Today I was at school getting all my materials together for my classes this week.  I planned to read the book The Little Drummer Boy to my Pre-K class, but I couldn’t find it.  512DmFU85GL__AA160_After an unsuccessful search in the L section of my classroom library, I remembered I was going to check to see if our Peace on Earth CD was in my classroom.  It was not.

So I went back to looking for Little Drummer Boy, which I found wedged in my copy of Little Rabbit Foo Foo.

All of this goes to prove that you cannot have The Little Drummer Boy and Peace on Earth in the same room.

As the mother of a percussionist, I should have known this.