Wednesday Words of Wisdom

14 12, 2016

Making Holiday Memories

By |2016-11-27T15:57:41-06:00December 14th, 2016|Holidays, Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

christmas1This picture was snapped many years ago after the gift unwrapping. The grands are sharing their gifts with the others.

We never hurried to clear the chaos of twenty family members tearing into their gifts. The room was often covered in wrapping paper and ribbon and you had to tread carefully.

Once everyone had their gifts open then they’d huddle to examine the treasures each had received. Such fond memories of the young ones excited about their gifts.

Do you rush to clear the clutter after gift unwrapping? If you do, why not linger and enjoy the moment.

I’m so glad we didn’t rush AND that we snapped such great photos. Be sure to capture the memories.

7 12, 2016

Remembering Pearl Harbor

By |2016-12-08T06:48:10-06:00December 7th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

75th-logo-358x352Today is the 75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Attack, the day known as a Day of Infamy.

Long before I was born (and probably before most of you were born) on this day in 1941, Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii.

The day after the surprise attack Congress approved President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s request to declare war on Japan with only one dissenting vote.

Then three days later, Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States. Congress reciprocated. America had finally entered the fray known as World War II.

Our national history (and many of our personal histories) changed forever. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.

Fathers, husbands, dorsey-flippedboyfriends, sons, and daughters went off to fight the war. Brave soldiers who answered the call.

My father did. My uncle did. So did my father’s sister.

So many lost their lives. Those still living today are in their twilight years.

Of the 334 men who survived the Arizona attack at Pearl Harbor, only five are still alive today.

Let’s take a minute this Pearl Harbor Day to remember those men who Tom Brokaw duped the Greatest Generation . Men who willingly gave their all to provide protection and security to our nation and the world.

30 11, 2016

Doing What’s Needful

By |2016-11-21T08:25:41-06:00November 30th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|2 Comments

do-the-needfulWe’ve finished a month of focus on thankfulness. When I saw this graphic on the Grammarly blog, I thought doing the needful would be an excellent way to end the month.

This wording might not be the phrasing we would use in the U.S. More likely, we’d say something like Please do what I asked. offers a full discussion of the phrase’s origin on their blog.

Isn’t doing what needs to be done a wonderful guideline for our actions year round?

16 11, 2016

A Heart filled with Gratitude

By |2016-11-07T15:23:58-06:00November 16th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|1 Comment

pooh-gratitudeWinnie the Pooh was a favorite of my youngest daughter. Every nap time we read a chapter from A.A. Milne’s books and then at bedtime we re-read the same chapter.

The beautifully crafted stories of Christopher Robin’s adventures captured my daughter’s imagination. Ernest H. Shephard’s illustrations brought the tales to life.

The wisdom of Pooh and his companions was sometimes beyond her young experience, but Milne’s never failed to impress me with the compassion and insight his characters imparted with humor.

Piglet shares wise words in the graphic above. Though our hearts be small, like his, we can fill them with gratitude.

So what’s in your heart today?

9 11, 2016


By |2017-11-04T19:57:22-05:00November 9th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|1 Comment

GRATEFUL and THANKFUL are adjectives describing deep appreciation.  Exhibiting both adjectives causes GRATITUDE.


In this month of emphasis on being thankful, I’m an author who is grateful to and thankful for readers who read  my books.

Use the comments below and/or on Twitter with these hashtags #grateful #gratitude to share what you’re thankful for today.

2 11, 2016

How’s Your Journey Going?

By |2016-11-02T19:08:07-05:00November 2nd, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|2 Comments

We recently  drove the San Juan Scenic Byway, also known as the Million Dollar Highway. It’s a spectacular ride if you don’t mind steep cliffs, narrow lanes,  zero guardrails, and hairpin “S” curves cut directly into the sides of mountains.

While we human passengers were white-knuckled and breathless, our little Maltese gazed out the window contently enjoying the ride.

Made me think of this

If your life is on a path filled with hazards and challenges, relax and enjoy the journey like Buster.

12 10, 2016

Words and Fall Leaves

By |2016-10-12T21:50:34-05:00October 12th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|1 Comment


I like this quote from Ruth Ozeki, American-Canadian novelist, filmmaker and Zen Buddhist priest, and the wonderful graphic Edie Melson created from her words.

This time of year I watch from my office window as leaves in the Rio Grande National Forest fall, scattering and covering the forest floor. Inside, sitting at my computer, I peck away at the computer keys and the words appear on the screen like those falling leaves.

Soon snow will cover the leaves on the forest floor or the wind will scatter them over the ridge. Hopefully, my words will fall into place and become a completed book.

5 10, 2016

Progress and Change

By |2016-10-01T16:21:57-05:00October 5th, 2016|Wednesday Words of Wisdom|0 Comments

shaw-changeI don’t know about where you live, but here in the Rocky Mountain Forest things are changing. While I’m not looking forward to the winter, I do look forward to the change.

Can you feel the change of season where you are? Are you ready and willing for the change?

I hope so because I truly believe Mr. Shaw’s words. Without acceptance of change (and I mean more than the weather), we do not move forward.

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